Dr. Phillip Petersen
CV and Publications




(2 April 2023)







Central Michigan University

Degree - Bachelor of Science in Education, 1969

Major - Political Science

Minor - History


Western Michigan University

Degree - Master of Arts in Political Science, 1974

Thesis Title - Systemic Adaptation:  Can The Soviet System Accommodate The "Democratic Movement"?


Wayne State University

Started Ph.D. in Political Science

Studies interrupted by military duty with U.S. Army


University of Illinois

Degree - Ph.D. in Political Science, 1985

Dissertation Title - Images As Defense Policy Determinants In The Soviet-American Military Relationship Since 1945





September 1971 - November 1971

Infantry Officer Basic Course

Fort Benning, Georgia


January 1972 - March 1972

Cryptologic-Electronic Warfare Officer Basic Supervisor's Course

United States Army Security Agency Training Center and School

Fort Devens, Massachusetts


April 1972

American Management Association 

Intermediate Supervisory Management Course

Fort Devens, Massachusetts


May 1972

Instructor Training Course

United States Army Training Center and School

Fort Devens, Massachusetts


October 1972

National Security Seminar

Industrial College of the Armed Forces

Fort Lesley J. McNair

Washington, D.C.


June 1978

Soviet Military Power Week

Directorate of Soviet Affairs

Air Force Intelligence Service

Bolling Air Force Base

Washington, D.C.


October 1979 - December 1979

Logic for Intelligence Analysts

Defense Intelligence School

Washington, D.C.


April 1980

Nuclear Weapons Orientation Course

Interservice Nuclear Weapons School

Washington, D.C.





April 1972 - September 1973

Foreign Armies Instructor

Command and Staff Department

United States Army Security Agency Training Center and School

Fort Devens, Massachusetts


September 1973 - July 1977


University Wide Projects

University of Illinois


June 1975


Seminar on Soviet Military Policy

National Cryptologic School

National Security Agency

Fort Mead, Maryland


July 1977 - July 1978

Research Analyst

Federal Research Division

Library of Congress

Washington, D.C.


July 1978 - April 1984

Intelligence Research Specialist

Defense Intelligence Agency


April 1984 - October 1990

Foreign Affairs Specialist

Office of the Secretary of Defense

The Pentagon


October 1990 - November 1991

Senior Fellow

Institute for National Strategic Studies

National Defense University

Fort McNair

Washington, DC


November 1991 – June 2004

Director of Russian Research

The Potomac Foundation

1311-A Dolley Madison Blvd.

Suite 3-A

McLean, Virginia  22101


December 1996 – December 2010


Long Distance Learning Corporation

11870 Sunrise Valley Drive

Suite 201

Reston, Virginia  20191-3033


December 1997-January 2006

Chief Operating Officer

Institute for Applied Science

11870 Sunrise Valley Drive

Suite 201

Reston, Virginia  20191-3033


December 1997-March 2006

Member, Board of Directors

Institute for Applied Science

Granville House

132-135 Sloane Street

London. SW1X 9AX

United Kingdom


June 2004 – December 2015

Senior Fellow

The Potomac Foundation

8618 Westwood Center Drive

Vienna, Virginia  22182


March 2006 – October 2007

Chief Operating Officer

Global Technology Options Division

Pingho Associates Corporation

1660 International Drive

Suite 400

McLean, Virginia  22102


December 2007 – December 2009

Counselor for International Programs to the Executive Director

Safari Club International

4800 West Gates Pass Road

Tucson, Arizona  85745-9490


November 2008 – July 2009

Chief Operating Officer

WRJ, Incorporated

11870 Sunrise Valley Drive

Suite 201

Reston, Virginia  20191-3033


November 2009 – Present


The Petersen Group, LLC

11118 Glade Drive

Reston, Virginia  20191


December 2015 – December 2017 

Vice President for Studies

The Potomac Foundation

Suite 300

8618 Westwood Center Drive

Vienna, Virginia  22182


December 2017 – Present


Centre for the Study of New Generation Warfare





January 1989:      Secretary of Defense Meritorious Civilian Service Award [2rd highest in the Defense Department] 


February 2002:    Induction into the Central Michigan University Reserve Officer’s Training Hall of Fame






1)  "Soviet Perceptions of Military Sufficiency:  1960-1974," in The Soviet Union:  The Seventies and Beyond, edited by Bernard W. Eissenstat, Lexington, Massachusetts:  D.C. Heath and Company, 1975.


2)  "Possible Courses of a Military Conflict Between the USSR and the PRC," in Military Review, March 1977.


3)  "The Strategic Missile Forces and Cosmic Research," in Soviet Aviation and Air Power, edited by Robin Higham and Jacob W. Kipp, Colorado:  Westview Press, 1977 and London, England:  Brassey's, 1978.


4)  "American Perceptions of Soviet Military Power," in Parameters, Volume III, Number 4, 1977.  Reprinted in Current News, Weekend Edition, Department of Defense, 5 February 1978.


5)  Soviet Air Power and the Pursuit of New Military Options, Studies in Communist Affairs, Volume 3, Washington, D.C.:  U.S. Government Printing Office, 1979.


6)  "Military Intervention as a Solution to Soviet Problems in the Balkans," in Soviet Policy in the Post-Tito Balkans, Studies in Communist Affairs, Volume 4, edited by Phillip A. Petersen, Washington, D.C.:  U.S. Government Printing Office, 1979.


7)  The Independent Air Operation In A Warsaw Pact Conflict With NATO, Defense Intelligence Report DDB-1300-140-79, February 1979, SECRET/NOFORN.


8)  With John R. Clark, Soviet/Warsaw Pact Planning for the Air Battle in Europe, Defense Intelligence Report DDB-1300-154-79, SECRET/NOFORN.


9)  "Soviet Concept of Army Aviation," Defense Intelligence Agency Weekly Intelligence Summary, DIAWIS 51-79, 21 December 1979, CONFIDENTIAL/NOFORN.


10)  "The Return of Soviet Army Aviation," Soviet Force Developments:  Quarterly Status Report, DDB-2680-23-80-SAO, February 1980, TOP SECRET CODEWORD.


11)  "Flexibility:  A Driving Force in Soviet Strategy," Air Force Magazine, March 1980.


12)  "The Soviet Conceptual Framework for the Application of Military Power," Naval War College Review, May-June 1981.


13)  The Soviet Conceptual Framework for the Developement and Application of Military Power, Defense Intelligence Report DDB-2610-36-81, June 1981, UNCLASSIFIED.


14)  Book review of The Soviet Air and Strategic Rocket Forces, 1939-80:  A Guide to Sources In English by Myron J. Smith, Jr., in Slavic Review, Volume 41, Number 4, Winter 1982.


15)  With John G. Hines, "Strategies of Soviet Warfare," The Wall Street Journal, January 7, 1983, p. 16.  Reprinted in Current News, Main Edition, Department of Defense, January 7, 1983.


16)  With John G. Hines, Soviet Strategic Conventional Offensive in the Western Theater of Military Operations, Defense Intelligence Report DDB-2622-2-83, March 1983, SECRET.


17)  With John G. Hines, The Soviet Conventional Offensive in Europe, Defense Intelligence Report DDB-2622-4-83, May 1983, UNCLASSIFIED.


18)  With John G. Hines, "The Warsaw Pact Strategic Offensive--the OMG in Context," International Defense Review, Volume 16, Number 10, 1983.  Reprinted in Supplemental Clips, Department of Defense, December 9, 1983.


19)  With John G. Hines, "Military Power in Soviet Strategy Against NATO," RUSI Journal, Volume 128, Number 4, December 1983, Reprinted in Current News, Main Edition, Department of Defense, January 17, 1984.  Also appears in Strategique (Paris), Number 22, 1984.


20)  With John G. Hines, "The Conventional Offensive in Soviet Theater Strategy," ORBUS, Fall 1983.  Reprinted in Current News, Special Edition, Department of Defense, April 12, 1984.


21)  "Reorganization Trends," in The Soviet Air Forces, edited by Paul J. Murphy, North Carolina:  McFarland & Company, Inc., 1984.


22)  With John G. Hines, "The Soviet Conventional Offensive in Europe," Military Review, Volume LXIV, April 1984, Number 4.  Reprinted in Strategique (Paris), Number 23, 1984.


23)  With John R. Clark, "Soviet Air and Antiair Operations," Air University Review, March-April 1985.  Reprinted in Current News, Special Edition, Department of Defense, July 31, 1985.


24)  With John G. Hines and Notra Trulock III, "Changes in Weapons and Warfare--The Evolution of Soviet Thinking," ROA National Security Report, Volume 3, Number 4, July 1985.


25)  With John G. Hines and Notra Trulock III, "Soviet Perspectives on Modern War:  Changing Views on Nuclear and Conventional Weapons," ROA National Security Report, Volume 3, Number 5, September 1985.


26)  "Soviet Planning for Strategic Operations Against NATO," Spotlight on the Soviet Union, a report from a conference at Sundvollen, Norway, Number 1/86, Oslo:  Alumni Association of the Norwegian Defense College, 1986. 


27)  "Turkey in Soviet Military Strategy," Dis Politika (Ankara), Volume XIII, Numbers 1-2, 1986.


28)  "The Soviet Conceptual Framework for the Development and Applicaiton of Military Power," SHIN BOEI RONSHU [Journal of National Defense], Volume 13, Number 4, March 1986.  Also appears in Non-Nuclear War in Europe--Alternatives for Nuclear Defense, The Netherlands: Groningen University Press, 1986; and in Western Europe in Soviet Global Strategy, edited by Ray S. Cline, James A Miller, and Roger E. Kanet, Boulder, Colorado:  Westview Press, Inc., 1987.


29)  With John G. Hines, "Changing the Soviet System of Control:  focus on threatre warfare," International Defense Review, Number 3, 1986.


30)  With John G. Hines, "Is NATO thinking too small?  A comparison of command structures," International Defense Review, Number 5, 1986.


31)  "The Modernization of the Soviet Armed Forces," NATO's Sixteen Nations, Volume 31, Number 4, July 1986.  Reprinted in Current News, Special Edition, September 5, 1986.


32)  With Christopher N. Donnelly, "Soviet strategists target Denmark," International Defense Review, Number 8, 1986.  Reprinted in Current News, Supplemental Clips, Department of Defense, September 11, 1986; also in Dansk Artilleri-Tidsskrift [Danish Artillery Monthly], Number 5, 1986.


33)  With John G. Hines and Gerhard Wettig, Sicherheit uber alles! [Security Above All!], Koln:  Markus Verlag, 1986.


34)  With John G. Hines and Notra Trulock III, "Soviet Military Theory from 1945-2000:  Implications for NATO," The Washington Quarterly, Volume 9, Number 4, Fall 1986.  Reprinted in Current News, Special Edition, January 13, 1987.


35)  With John G. Hines, "Thinking Soviet in Defending Europe," Defence, October 1986.


36)  With John G. Hines, "The Changing Soviet System of Control for Theater War," SIGNAL, December 1986.  Reprinted in Current News, Special Edition, Department of Defense, February 3, 1987; also in Soviet C3, edited by Stephen J. Cimbala, Washington:  AFCEA International Press, 1987.


37)  With John G. Hines, "NATO and the Changing Soviet Concept for Theater War," SIGNAL, May 1987.


38)  "Iceland--is a red storm rising?", International Defense Review, Number 8, 1987.  Reprinted in Current News, Supplemental, Department of Defense, October 22, 1987.


39)  "Soviet Offensive Operations in Central Europe,"  NATO's Sixteen Nations, Volume 32, Number 5, August 1987.  Reprinted in Current News, Supplemental, Department of Defense, October 22, 1987.


40)  "Iceland in Soviet Military Strategy," Iceland, NATO, and Security in the Norwegian Sea, a report from a conference in Reykjavik, Iceland, Reykjavik:  The Icelandic Association for Western Cooperation, 1987.


41)  With John G. Hines, "Thinking Soviet in Assessing Canada's Contribution to Collective Security," Soviet Union:  The Threat to Europe, edited by William J. Yost, Ottawa:  Conference of Defense Associations, 1987.


42)  With Notra Trulock III, "Gorbachev and the Soviet Force Development Process," Armies Socialistes, Number 1, January 1988.


43)  "Italy in Soviet Military Strategy," The International Spectator, Volume XXIII, Number 1, January-March, 1988.


44)  With Notra Trulock III, "A 'New' Soviet Military Doctrine:  Origins and Implications," Strategic Review, Summer 1988; also in Control of Joint Forces:  A New Perspective, edited by LTG Clarence E. McKnight, Jr. (Ret.), Fairfax, VA:  AFCEA International Press, 1989.


45)  With Notra Trulock III, "Gorbachev and the Soviet Force Development Process," New Technologies and the Economics of Defence, a Seminar sponsored by the Clingendael Institute and The Center for Strategic Concepts, Ldt., The Hague, 29-31 October 1986, The Hague, The Netherlands: The Netherlands Institute of International Relations "Clingendael".


46)  "Soviet Strategy and Operational Concepts for War in Central Europe," New Technologies and Economics of Defence:  Part 1, Proceedings of the Conference held a The Palais D'Egmont, April 27-28, 1988, SECURITY ET STRATEGIE, NUMBER 21, Brussels:  Center for Defense Studies, November 1988. 


47)  "Security and the Military Role in Soviet Threat Definition," Nordic Journal of Soviet and East European Studies, Volume 5: 3-4 (1988).


48)  With Notra Trulock III, "Soviet Views on the Changing Context of Military Planning," The Journal of Soviet Military Studies, Volume 1, Number 4 (December 1988).


49)  With Notra Trulock III, "Equal Security:  Greater Stability at Lower Force Levels," in William B. Taylor, Jr., editor, Beyond Burdensharing:  Future Alliance Defense Cooperation, The Alliance Papers:  Proceedings N. 1, Bussels:  U.S. Mission to NATO, April 1989.  Also appears in Die sowjetische Militarmacht und die Stabilitat in Europe, edited by Gerhard Wettig, Badden-Baden:  Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1990.


50)  "The Åland Islands:  Once and Future Gibraltar of the North?", International Defense Review, Number 7, 1989.


51)  With Notra Trulock III, "Soviet Views and Policies toward Theater War in Europe," in The USSR and the Western Alliance, edited by Robbin F. Laird and Susan L. Clark, Boston:  Unwin Hyman, 1989.  Also appears in The Dynamics of Soviet Defense Policy, edited by Bruce Parrott, Washington, DC:  The Wilson Center Press, 1990.


52)  With John G. Hines, "European Neutrals in Soviet Military Strategy," in The Missing Link:  West European Neutrals and Regional Security, edited by Richard E. Bissell and Curt Gasteyger, Durham:  Duke University Press, 1990.


53)  "The Southwestern TVD in Soviet Military Planning," in Strenthening NATO's Defense In the Southern Region:  A 40th Anniversary Perspective, edited by Seyfi Tashan, Ankara:  Foreign Policy Institute, 1990.  Also appears in European Security in the '90s, edited by A. Th. Symedonides, Athens:  Foundation of Political Studies and Education, 1990.


54)  "A New Security Regime for Europe?", in Problems of Communism, March-April 1990.


55)  With Joshua B. Spero, "The Soviet Military View of Southeastern Europe," in Problems of Balkan Security:  Southeastern Europe In the 1990s, edited by Paul S. Shoup, George W. Hoffman, Project Director, Washington, DC:  The Wilson Center Press, 1990.


56)  "Perestroyka and Planning Soviet Air Power," in Soviet Air Power:  Prospects for the Future, edited by E.S. Williams, London:  Tri-Service Press, 1990.


57)  "Soviet military strategy in an age of new thinking on international security," in East-West Relations in the 1990s:  The Naval Dimension, edited by John Pay and Geoffrey Till, London:  Printer Publishers, 1990.


58)  "The Emerging Soviet Vision of European Security," in Fundamentals of Force Planning, Vol. I:  Concepts, Newport, R.I.:  Naval War College Press, 1990.  Also appears as "The Challenge to Soviet Strategic Deployment:  An Emerging Vision of European Security," in Jane's NATO Handbook, 1990-91, edited by Bruce George, United Kingdom:  Jane's Information Group, 1990; and as "Emerging Soviet Views on European Security," in Radical Reform in Soviet Defense Policy:  Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990, edited by Roy Allison, London:  McMillan, 1992.


59)  "The Andropov Revolution in Soviet Security Policy," in Mezinarodni Politika, Number 4, 1990.


60)  "Scandinavia and the 'Finlandization' of Soviet Security," in The New Europe:  Revolution in East-West Relations, Proceedings of The Academy of Political Science, Volume 38, Number 1, edited by Nils H. Wessell, New York:  1991.


61)  "The Iberian Peninsula in Soviet Military Strategy," in Spanish Foreign and Defense Policy, edited by Kenneth Maxwell, Boulder, Colorado:  Westview Press, 1991.   


62)  With Joshua B. Spero, "Military Reform and the Struggle to Redefine Security in the Post-Soviet Union," in Jane's NATO Handbook, 1991-92, edited by Bruce George, United Kingdom:  Jane's Information Group, 1991.  Also appears as "Military Reform and the Struggle to Redefine Security in the Post-USSR," in The Soviet Military and the Future, edited by Stephen J. Blank and Jacob W. Kipp, Westport, Connecticut:  Greenwood Press, 1992.


63)  "The Opinion of an American Specialist:  Baltic Security and the Social Protection of Servicemen," Krasnaya zvezda, March 6, 1992.


64)  "Security Policy in the Post-Soviet Baltic States," European Security Studies, Volume 1, Number 1 (Spring 1992).


65)  "Factors of Military Security and Stability in the Euro-Asiatic Region," Voennaya mysl', No. 6-7/1992.  


66)  "Security Policy in the Post-Soviet Slavic Heartland and Moldova," European Security Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Autumn 1992).


67)  With Shane C. Petersen, "The Kaliningrad Garrison State," Jane's Intelligence Review, Volume 5, Number 2, February 1993; and in Rossiya, No. 7 (117), 10-16 February 1993, pp. 4-5.


68)  "Revisiting the Fortified Region," Jane's Intelligence Review, Volume 5, Number 4, April 1993.


69)  “Control of Nuclear Weapons in the CIS,” Jane's Intelligence Review, Volume 5, Number 7, July 1993.


70)  “Can the Russian Federation Survive?”, Federalism -- global’nye i rossiiskie izmereniya, documents from an international scientific and practical conference, Kazan:  September 1993.


71)  "Security Policy in Post-Soviet Transcaucasia," European Security Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Spring 1994).


72)  “Moldova:  Improving Prospect for Conflict Resolution,” Jane’s Intelligence Review, Vol. 6, No. 9 (September 1994).


73)  “Kaliningrad -- Transition from Garrison State,” Jane’s Intelligence Review, Vol. 6, No. 12 (December 1994).


74)  “Crimea:  Triumph of Moderation or Eye of the Storm?”, Jane’s Intelligence Review, March 1995.


75)  “Security Policy in Post-Soviet Central Asia,” European Security, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Spring 1995).


76)  “Russia’s Volga Region:  Bridgehead for Islamic Revolution or Source for an Indigenous Alternative Political Paradigm?”, European Security, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Spring 1996).


77)  Book review of The Red Army and the Wehrmacht:  How the Soviets Militarized Germany, 1922-33, and Paved the Way for Fascism by Yuri Dyakov and Tatyana Bushuyeva, in Russian Review, Vol. 55/No. 3, July 1996.


78)  "A Security Model for the Baltic Sea Area," Mare Balticum '96, Ostsee-Akademie Travenünde, 1996.


79)  "Regionalization of Security and Russia's Place in Europe," Russia and NATO, edited by Constantine C. Menges, Washington:  The George Washington University, 1997.


80)  “The Black Sea:  Frontier Zone or ‘European’ Sea?” (Belgrade) Review of International Affairs, Vol. LVII, No. 1122, June 2006.


81)  With Philip A. Karber, “The Eastern Front in NATO Strategy – End of the Interregnum,” NATO: Rethink – Realign – React, Warsaw: Institute for Eastern Studies, 2016, pp. 31-44.


82)  With Nicholas Myers, Baltic Security Net Assessment, Tartu, Estonia: Baltic Defence College, First Edition, October 2017; Second Edition, January 2018.


83)  With Sorin Ducaru, Greg Melcher, and George Scutaru, “A Bridge Too Far…Again,” in A Policy Paper: Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears, Bucharest, January 2019, pp. 9-12.


84) “Military Art: The Suwałki Corridor as a Subject of Self-Obfuscation,” in Security and Russian Threats, edited by Mirosław Banasik, Piotr Gawliczek, and Agnieszka Rogozińska, Poland: Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, 2019,  pp. 159-205.


85) With Brigadier General (ret.) Mircea Mîndrescu and Gregory Melcher, “The Focsani Gate – A Key Terrain for European Security,” Policy Paper, Bucharest, Romania; New Strategy Center, December 2019.


86) “Russian Military Doctrine and Exercises,” Learning the Lessons of Modern War, edited by Thomas G. Mahnken, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2020.


87) With Gregory K. Melcher, “Probleme ale unei autopsii a COVID-19,” in Lumea De Mâine. Ce urmeaza dupa pandemie?, Edited by Olivia Toderean, Sergiu Celac and George Scutaru, Bucuresti: Curtea Veche Publishing, 2020; in English as “Issues for a Covid-19 postmortem,” in Post-Pandemic World: Perspectives on Foreign and Security Policy, Bucharest: Curtea Veche Publishing, 2020.


88) With Greg Melcher and Jerzy Aleksanrowicz, Lessons Learned From the Donbas Conflict: Key Takeaways for Modern Combat, Warsaw, Poland: Ernst & Young, July 2020. 


89)  With Jerzy Aleksandrowicz, COL (ret.) Mirosław Banasik, Dr. Jānis Bērzinš, BG (ret.) Hans Damen, Dr. Michael D. Evans, LTG (ret.) Frederick Benjamin Hodges, Charles Preston Long, Gregory King Melcher, Dr. Łukasz Przybyło, and Dr. Silvu Nate, The Eastern Front In World War 3, Warszawa: TETROGON, 2022.


90) With Greg King Melcher, “Open Source Intelligence Assessment of Putin’s War on Ukraine,” in The War in Ukraine and International Security, edited by Mirosław Banasik, Agnieszka Rogozińska, and Piotr Gawliczek, Warsaw: Difin, 2022, pp. 12-83.