Bob Nugent



Stan Prusinski is a Senior Fellow at the New Generation Warfare Centre. 

Stan retired as a colonel after 28 years of service in the U.S. Army as a Foreign Area Officer, Intelligence Officer, and Air Defender. His assignments included Chief, Office of Defense Cooperation, U.S. Embassy, Warsaw; Russia Country Director in the Office of the Secretary of Defense; Presidential Translator, Moscow-Washington “Hotline,” Joint Chiefs of Staff;  Assistant to the Director of the Army Staff; Country Director, Eastern Europe, Defense Security Cooperation Agency, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy; Intelligence Staff Officer, Army Staff; and numerous Command and Staff positions in U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery. 

Stan’s industry positions include Director, Boeing Defense, Space & Security for Eastern Europe; and Director, Sikorsky Europe.

Stan’s academic education includes the United States Military Academy, West Point, Bachelor of Science; Harvard University, Master of Arts in Soviet Studies; and Averett University, Master of Business Administration. 

His professional military education includes the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University; Master of Science in National Defense Resource Strategy; Joint Forces Staff College, U.S. Army Command & Staff College; U.S. Army Russian Institute; the Defense Language Institute – Russian; Foreign Area Officer Course and the Combined Armss & Services Staff School.